A statement on our response to COVID-19. - CERTUS

A statement on our response to COVID-19.

The professional pest control industry is an essential service responsible for the protection of public health, food, and property. As proud members of the professional pest control industry, we continue to protect our clients during these trying times. Our Service Specialists have always been trained, tested, and certified in the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Our Service Specialists routinely employ the use of respirators, eye protection, gloves, and clothing to conform with safety requirements established by the EPA and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration.

As the effects of COVID-19 continue to spread across the U.S. and around the world, we are taking the following steps to ensure the safety of your family, as well as our employees and their families.

  • In most cases, our services can be performed on just the exterior of your home; this eliminates the need for direct human contact.

  • Should interior service be required, our Service Specialists will call to confirm that no one in your residence has COVID-19 symptoms or is in quarantine. Should someone in your home have COVID-19 symptoms or be quarantined, our Service Specialists will not enter your home.

  • While outside of their service vehicle, our Service Specialists will use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect both themselves and your family. PPE includes respirator or facemask, goggles, and gloves.

  • Our employees will wash their hands and disinfect all service tools and equipment after every home visit. 

  • Finally, all of our employees have been advised to stay at home if they exhibit COVID-19 symptoms or may have come into contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

In addition to the steps mentioned above, we have taken the following steps to protect our entire workforce.

  • We have directed all of our office employees to work from home whenever possible.

  • We have canceled all meetings and travel until further notice. 

  • We have set up regular disinfecting of our offices to ensure the safety of any employees that need to go to our offices.

  • All employees must wear facemasks while in the office; facemasks are not required at desks, if the desks are appropriately distanced.

  • Set up regular check-in calls with all of our employees to make sure our employees don’t feel disconnected or isolated.

We are a People First company, and protecting both the physical and mental health of our employees is essential to us.

We know that maintaining a pest-free environment in your home is more important to your family now than ever before. 

We are closely following the guidelines from the CDC, as well as local and state health officials. We will continue to respond to the needs of our employees and customers as this health crisis evolves.


Mike Givlin

CEO and Co-Founder